Connections Information Systems, a local eCommerce solutions provider, will be presenting 5 Essentials of Online Marketing, a class on how to use internet tools to benefit artists, small business, or anyone looking to market products or services online. The class will be held at the Amarillo Art Institute. Saturday, August 21 from 10 till noon, followed by Q&A….
How To Manually Add an Email Address to MailChimp [Video]
This is a quick video on how to manually add email addresses to a MailChimp mail list.
- Login To Mail Chimp
- From The Dashboard Click on the “List” tab
- Click on “Add People” on the list to which you want to add the email address.
- Type the “Email Address” of the recipient, their “First Name” and their “Last Name” in the appropriet fields.
- Place a check mark in the box labeled “This recipient has given me permission to add him/her to my MailChimp Managed List.”
- Press “Subscribe”
- Done!
You should always have the permission of the person you are subscribing to your email list.
As always Connections is happy to answer questions and assist you in any way we can to get your e-business up and running over the competition. Contact us at
Chimpadeedoo da Chimpadeedee [Video]
Here at Connections Information Systems we are MailChimp evangelist! MailChimp is an email service that makes list management a snap. The interface is a beautiful, simple to use tool that takes the headaches out of email list management.
MailChimp offers a variety of additional tools to make your email management easier. Two new ones that we are particularly excited about are Chimpadeedoo and Chimpadeedee.
Chimpadeedoo is an simple kiosk style application that allows you to capture email address’s from your storefront register, events, trade shows and art fairs to MailChimp from an iPad. Chimpadeedoo is available for free at iTunes.
Chimpadeedee is an Adobe Air version of the application that runs on both PC and MAC OSX. The Chimpadeedee application is available for free at MailChimp Labs.
As always Connections is happy to answer questions and assist you in any way we can to get your e-business up and running over the competition. Contact us at
Why You Need a Google Account
Everyone is familiar with Google as a search engine and free email client, but you may not be aware of the many free web tools available through Google. Tech-savvy webmasters rely on tools like Google Analytics to maximize their online audience. Here is a quick look at our favorite Google apps you should be using.
Google AdWords is Google’s pay-per-click advertising program that allows website owners to place ads based on keywords to drive traffic to their sites. Customers who are searching for your product or service are displayed ads on Google and their content network. Site owners pay a fee when people click on your ad. This type of advertising can be extremely effective when paired with the right mix of keywords, product and cost can be achieved.
…Shipping Resource Guide
Weight Limit 70 pounds for Priority Mail or Parcel Post
Size Limits
- Priority Mail, regular package, 84 inches (length plus girth*)
- Priority Mail, large package,more than 84 inches but less than 108 inches (length plus girth*)
- Parcel Post, up to 130 inches (length plus girth*)…
How to Make a WordPress Blog Entry [Video]
This video is for WordPress beginners who want to learn how to make a basic blog post. We demonstrate how to login to your blog, setup a basic post, add a picture and a link to you post.
In this demonstration I will be showing you:
- How to login to WordPress
- How to add a blog entry
- How to add an image to your post
- How to add a link to your post…