Update: Guess What…I’m out of JAIL!
That’s right I am going went to the slammer, and I am being charged with –being a hero. Thank all of you for your generous donations. If you have not had time you can still donate to this worth cause at the link below!
See, I signed up for this year’s Muscular Dystrophy Association’s Lock Up.
That’s because MDA helps kids with Muscular Dystrophy get what they need to be mobile, to be active… to be kids. They also provide a wide range of services to Moms and Dads to help them better cope with the challenges of raising a special kid.
I have personally seen the good these guys do and so I am asking my friends to help.
If I can get just 32 friends to donate $25 then we can send a kid to camp this year. At MDA Camp kids get to learn all kinds of skills to help them lead more productive, normal lives…and they have a great time doing it.
So let’s do this! Make a donation today at my MDA Kenny’s Going to Jail MDA Homepage.
As always Connections is happy to answer questions and assist you in any way we can to get your e-business up and running over the competition. Contact us at
Survey Says: See Ya at Google
By Keran Krane
Google Reaches Out to Small Business In this ever changing hi-tech world many small businesses get left in the dust. But Google has built much of their success on reaching out to the little guy. With tools such as AdWords, AdSense, Wiki’s, and the ever-evolving slew of beta programs-Google is equipping small business owners with the tools they need to stay competitive.
I recently talked with Rod and Vanda Lancour of Support Hose Store about how they utilize Google services to increase their business. Rod and Vanda run a small, internet-based business that sells medical support hose and stockings. They have been working with Google for years to keep their website competitive- and it’s working; The Support Hose Store is consistently at the top of Google searches for their keywords….
Internet Ad Specifications
What Ad Size is Right for Me?
Ad sizes for websites have for the most part been standardized. We’ve saved you the trouble of having to peck around for the specs: Check out our comprehensive list here (in pixels):…
SMX Advanced 2008 Show Recap – Give It Up!
Support Hose Store visits Google Channel 7 Pro News [Video] visits Google Channel 7 Pro News 06/16/2008
Google invites Amarillo based e-commerce business,, to their campus to meet with Key staff members
Amarillo, Texas- June 16, 2008, an Amarillo Based e-commerce web site received an invitation from Google, the leading web search engine, to visit their campus in Mountain View, California. Vanda and Rod Lancour, owners of SupportHoseStore.Com received a questionnaire about services offered by Google. Mr. Lancour returned the questionnaire. Google then contacted Mr. Lancour and invited him and Mrs. Lancour to visit their campus on June 5-6, 2008, where they met with key staff and personnel to discuss future promotional opportunities. This visit comes at a time of substantial local, national and international growth for Google assists through their world-wide search engine network, through key word updates, optimizing advertising programs, and updated beta programs, which gives the leading web resources available to maintain contact with their prospective customers and optimize their web site.’s retail location, Support Hose Plus, in Amarillo Texas, is located at I-40 and Bell, in the Interstate Shopping Center. Support Hose Plus carries the largest selection of support hose available in the Tri-State area, featuring a complete line of Jobst, Mediven, Sigvaris and Juzo support stockings. Support Hose Plus also carries post-mastectomy products and is adding new product lines including low cost support hose, orthopedic supplies, and Therall arthritis relief products and walking canes. was started in September 2001. As a 2003 recipient of the Amarillo Enterprise Challenge Grant, a program of the WTAMU Enterprise Center, has been able to support exponential growth and is now undergoing an expansive program of additional development. Plans are underway for the development of a large customer service/warehouse center in Amarillo. serves customers worldwide including those from the USA, Canada, Central/South America, Europe, Taiwan, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and Russia, offering exceptional products and customer service from their team of trained Compression Garment Specialists.