Embargo 9:00 PM Pacific July 3
·Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder and CEO, SEOmoz
·Todd Friesen, Visible Technologies
·Michael Gray, Atlas Web Service
·Rob Kerry, Ayima Search Marketing
·Stephan Spencer, Netconcepts
◊◊◊◊Stephan Spencer, Founder and President, Netconcepts
Link Ninja Tool Google Directory mining tool
·80/20 Rule – High value links drive the link value
·Topical Relevance .edu .gov.org more valuable
Spiders Google Directory
·Extract Sites:
oPage Rank Score
From the category pages
·Dump to database
·Mine the database for:
oSuper High Page Rank
oBy Category
oTop Level Domain
Supplementary Information – Second Pass
·Tool bar page rank
·Attribution Links – Easier to get a link
·Link Neighborhood
·Paid Links
·Using AdSense
·Toolbar page rank
Export to txt file
Type in Category
oChoose Sub Categories Check Box
Specify minimum page rank score
Specify top level domain type .edu
Gives a quick report on line and emails a detailed report with the second pass
Sample Output
Domain, Site Name, URL Page Rank, TLD, category
Proxy server based SEO – using the server as middle man
Good for inflexible systems
·Site Wide Rules
oRewrite URLs
oRedo internal linking structure
·Page specific rules
oTitle optimization
oInternal links
Thin Slicing – Book “Blink”
Optimizing URLs in an Iterative testing of URLs
Post Slug – Redirects through multiple redirection while maintaining link to the current document
SEO Title Tag Plug-in
◊◊Michael Gray (GrayWolf), President, Atlas Web Service
Beat the AdWords Quality Score
Landing Page quality score is a lie! It has nothing to do with your landing page. It is looking at organic factors the better you are doing in your organics the better your quality score.
First Landing Page Domain age 2006
·Sanjiya Ring Tones
·Disabled for low quality score, Bid must be raised to $10.00
Second Landing Page – New – Domain age 2008
Bid Cost: $.75
·Identical Account
·Identical Keywords
·Identical Ad Copy
·Identical Landing Page
Not just the domain age but the number of trusted links over a specified period of time. If you don’t get these links than your quality score suffers and you get jacked up to $10.00. Landing page score has nothing the landing page.
Third Example
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
·Identical Account
·Identical Keywords
·Identical Ad Copy
·Identical Landing Page
New sites are given time to prove themselves. Every few months Google updates their page rank and if you have not gotten the trusted links in their time period than you get jacked. Good sites get good pricing. Bad sites get bumped to $10.00
What to Do?
·Shut down that Account
·Buy a new domain for $10.00
·Copy all of your keywords in that campaign
3 largely overlooked topics
·Fool’s Gold Link exchange – Reciprocal link exchange
·Exploit naivety and no follow outgoing reciprocal links
·Put it your privacy link
·Effective for local SEO
3 things you can do
Second Generation SEO My Blog Log Bread crumbing
E-mal for URL
SEOmoz using social media profiles Video
Rob Kerry, Editor Sphinn, www.EvilGreenMonkey.com
Micro-site creation
·Creating hundreds of independent sites that link back to the main site.
·Keep complete control of inbound links
·Manage anchor text
·Pages links appear on
·Sell links on the websites to offset cost
·Control and manage
·Get freecheep hosting and IPs
·Avoid .info’s everyone sees then as spamy
·Different C-Class IP Ranges
·Geo Target
·Real address data
·Reverse address generator
·Automated content
·Markov Chains – Makes rubbish will not pass human review.
Multi source sentence arrays
·Original piece of content 25 sentence
·Rewrite each individual sentence. Different words but means the same thing.
·Explode into large arrays ach sentence is a new variable and randomly picks subsequent sentences.
·Passes Human Review
·<!–[if gte msEquation 12]>–>525<!–[endif]–>
·On-topic spamming
·Shop to other PR sites
·Exchange for free links to your affiliate sites
·Use CopyScape API to test content.
Rob sees this as a white hat technique because it is what he would do if he had the time.
Auto posting comments
Not all articles pass the duplication Use advanced queries to leave in content network.
Content Spamming – Time Saving Device
Use Advanced Google queries to find comments
Scrape results
Todd Friesen, Visible Technologies
Old Blogs
·Blog spot have not been updated for your keyword for say four years
·Hot mail addresses get recycled
Stolen Images 301 to something else it is a link!
Custom 404 pages?
301 it one level up to the category level. Why not redirect up or to a related product.
Don’t drop out of stock postings that may have links pointing to them.
Dirty Trick: Scan for competitor down time and send a Google removal tool page will be gone for 6 months.
Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder and CEO, SEOmoz
Old on subject posts:
Related to find out who your competitors are related to. Go to top ranking sites in your category and see who they are related to.
Ranking “intitle” and in
“Intext” does not work
“InAnchor” does not work
“AllinTitle” works
“AllinURL” works
“AllinText” not working
“AllinAnchor” not working
Wildcard searches
Google Product Search: Dell desktop *
Use for keyword research on what people are typing in as their keywords
Temporal Searching
Shows only a period of time: Search only the last 29 days
MSN or Live Search Only
Shows what domains are linked to from a given domain
IP:x.xxx.xxx.xx MSN Seach an IP address
Competitive Research
Google Blog Search links
ExaLead European Search Engine – Offers link query returns in order of importance according to them. Links are shown in order of performance.
Alexa shows links
Technorati Shows Links in blogs and pages.
Links In a certain region
Google Link from domain + link domain
Pages in order of importance www.
Brand Mentions with no links
Linking to multiple competitors but not me Yahoo
Keyword in url
Tracking Manual Link Building Efforts
Twitter search for relationship management
Searching for links
1.intitle:add+url “keyword phrase”
2.intitle:submit+site “keyword phrase”
3.intitle:submit+url “keyword phrase”
4.intitle:add+site “keyword phrase”
5.intitle:add+your+site “keyword phrase”
6.intitle:directory “keyword phrase”
7.intitle:list “keyword phrase”
8.intitle:sites “keyword phrase”
The most effective ways to find your competitors’ links are listed below:
1.At Yahoo! type linkdomain:url.com -site:url.com
2.At MSN’s techpreview type link:url.com -site:url.com
3.At Yahoo! type link:http://www.url.com
4.At Google type “url.com” -site:url.com
Tips in Yahoo Link Commands:
·linkdomain:example.com site:.edu “bookmarks”
·linkdomain:example.com site:.edu “links”
·linkdomain:example.com site:.edu “favorite sites”
·linkdomain:example.com site:.edu “your product or service”
More examples:
·linkdomain:example.com site:.edu sponsors
·linkdomain:example.com site:.edu donors
·linkdomain:example.com site:.org sponsors
·linkdomain:example.com site:.org benefactors
Other modifiers include:
Google Local Ranking Tips
·Perceived center of city
·Number of local reviews
·Local Link Popularity
·Local Phone Number
·Participation in online menu services
·Quality of
·City name in anchor text
·Keyword in the business name
·Domain authority
·Address inclusion on web page
Use Super Pages categorization rather than Google categorization in AdWords campaigns.
As always Connections is happy to answer questions and assist you in any way we can to get your e-business up and running over the competition. Contact us atservice@ConnectionsIS.com.
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