That’s right I am going went to the slammer, and I am being charged with –being a hero. Thank all of you for your generous donations. If you have not had time you can still donate to this worth cause at the link below!
See, I signed up for this year’s Muscular Dystrophy Association’s Lock Up.
That’s because MDA helps kids with Muscular Dystrophy get what they need to be mobile, to be active… to be kids. They also provide a wide range of services to Moms and Dads to help them better cope with the challenges of raising a special kid.
I have personally seen the good these guys do and so I am asking my friends to help.
If I can get just 32 friends to donate $25 then we can send a kid to camp this year. At MDA Camp kids get to learn all kinds of skills to help them lead more productive, normal lives…and they have a great time doing it.
So let’s do this! Make a donation today at my MDA Kenny’s Going to Jail MDA Homepage.
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