Here’s to the Crazy Ones
Mac Tip – How to Encrypt Your Mac
How to Turn On and Set Up FileVault Encryption
If you get a new Mac for Christmas and plan to make shady deals in the Ukraine and China you definitely need to do this. But everyone else should do it too.
FileVault is part of the macOS operating system and it encrypts your Mac system disk so that it can’t be accessed without the proper credentials. If I have physical possession of a Mac I can quickly break into it. If your disk is encrypted with FileVault I am stopped cold. It is that simple.

FileVault 2 is available in OS X Lion or later. When FileVault is turned on, your Mac always requires that you log in with your account password.
- Choose Apple menu () > System Preferences, then click Security & Privacy.
- Click the FileVault tab.
- Click
, then enter an administrator name and password.
- Click Turn On FileVault.
SpaceX Status Report
Nerd News
FoundryPlanet – IDRA Giga Press 3 Assembly for Tesla
This is Idra Giga Press #3 (Tesla DCM-6100-3 ?). DCM-6100-1 and DCM-6100-2 were installed at the Tesla factory in Fremont, California.